Monday, January 16, 2012

Dr King Battle emcee..

                     The King
 Today as I reflect on the life of Martin Luther King, to me it is so much more than a MLK all mix weekend on the radio fill drug dealer flows or a party.  Actuality Dr King is one of best emcees ever! His words moved the crowd and motivated many in a way that would change our lives forever. I can’t help but think about our present state and conditions we live in today. I think about the daily terrorism blacks folks had to face fighting for what they believed in. Can you image standing for what you believe in knowing you will be stoned or beaten? I honor the amazing courage and disciple displayed by thousands to remain peaceful for one common cause. I often ask myself how can a man, father, and preacher lead so many knowing that his life was in danger.  Dr. Martin Luther King no doubt was a voice strength that impacted the world. But still our Prince of Peace was violently taken away from us with the blast of a rifle.
Dawn Reddick
  We die for a whole lot less nowadays. We are just 2 weeks into 2012 and already the city has average a BODY A DAY!  It is more disturbing that same rights that Dr Kings movement fought so hard for; sitting in the front of the bus, dine in establishments, educational opportunities are now the places where violent and ignorance is displayed the most.  Throughout the city you could find candle lit corners, helium memorials and images of young lives displayed on cotton. All are victims of violence similar to the same Balcony Blast that took our beloved Drum major for justice. I find that in most cases as a community, we know the Killers and the victims. They are our sons, uncles, sisters, brothers, and cousins. Yet we do nothing to change the situation. A young lady Dawn Reddick home from college, gun down for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This reminds me of the 4 little girl’s victims of a church bombing. We are living the nightmare more than the dream! There are people out there fighting for change on the front line but unfortunately this battle starts at home. We have too many parents teaching our youth the wrong things and not correcting inappropriate behavior.  As a community we cannot afford to support this ignorant lifestyle. Dr King said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  We need to support more dreams.  We must be the change we want to see in others!  We need our value of life system reinstated, we need our respect, we need our honor, and most of all we need love.

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